PMPO - established in the 80's the organization provides guidelines for future economic, social and physical development of the community!
PMFSC is a local, volunteer, non-profit 501c3 organization serving our community through programs and services dedicated to reducing wildfire risk and promoting fire safety.
Hosted in what was previously the volunteer fire department station, the center is now a place for the community to meet and organize events. To see the calendar of activities clink on then link below.
For about 50 years, Palomar Mountain was protected from fire by a group of volunteer firefighters (PM Volunteer Fire Department), while CAL Fire now protects us, we still benefit from their great support to the community, including making possible to have a Community Center which was previously their fire station and assisting through the CERT programs.
An important part of the attraction of Palomar Mountain is its beautiful California State Park.
FPMSP is dedicated to supporting the park in its mission to enhance the public's experience through educational and interpretive programs and to preserve the park's unique biological, geological, archaeological, recreational, and scenic resources... for the benefit and enjoyment of the public.
This page is still under construction, if you would like to see some other resources that are useful to the community, reach us at
Tell us why you believe Palomar Mountain, with its very unique old-growth forest and the beauty of the Four Seasons, should be preserved for future generations.