2025 started with a terrible, deadly and destructive reminder of what a failing transmission line could do. While the Eaton fire in Los Angeles origin is still under investigation, there has been report of fire just under a transmission tower by the locals. These towers are for "only" 250kV transmission lines. We will keep monitoring to see what is ultimately found as a cause for the fire, but meanwhile, here is below a good article in the NY Times, highlighting past fire started due to a failiure to the electic grid.
We had the pleasure to host 2 representatives from Horizon West/NextEra, Eric Oesterling (Senior Project Developer - Transmission ), Fred Bauermeiste (Director, West Region, Late Stage Development). We were able to drive them through Palomar Mountain and clearly highlight to them the significant risks and negative impacts associated with routing a transmission line through Palomar Mountain. We are now looking forward to their follow-up.
It is important to our mission to keep all informed, so we are please to announce that we have retained Ted Beary to be our spokersperson/mascot.
" As an existing utility in California, Horizon West has experience working closely with local California communities, landowners and key stakeholders. Horizon West understands an ongoing community dialogue will be instrumental to the success of the project. "
Let's see how true to its words the company is...
North SONGS-Serrano 500 KV line project report from CA Independant System Operator (CAISO) is released to the public.
This is Day 11 of learning about this 500,000 Volt transmission line to cut across Palomar Mountain. How did we find out? SDG&E sent letters out to property owners on what we now call the Orange Line. The letters stated that environmental survey teams would be entering their properties. ... read more
“We’re geared up, loaded for bear!”
That’s a quote from one of our neighbors who was on the phone yesterday with Brian Freye, the contact person for the environmental surveys for SDG&E. Their property is one in orange on this map. ... read more
Where could the 500,000 Volt transmission lines go over Palomar? Map updated May 1, 2024
We are only guessing, based on the people who were notified with very vague environmental survey letters by SDG&E with this route... read more
Have you heard? The State of California is planning a 500,000 Volt transmission line to run right through the heart of Palomar Mountain. Concerned citizens are inviting you to meet up for some initial information to stop this project... read more
Tell us why you believe Palomar Mountain, with its very unique old-growth forest and the beauty of the Four Seasons, should be preserved for future generations.